American counties are still in

Join We Are Still In TODAY to commit to supporting climate action and maintaining the Paris Agreement targets

American counties are taking the lead to prepare their communities for the environmental and economic changes caused by climate change.

Climate change is not a far-off abstraction. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, the wildfires in the Northwest, and the flooding in the South all show that climate change is intensifying weather events around the world.

Climate change is here, it is devastating, and it is going to get worse unless we do something about it.

While climate change is a real problem, we have a real solution. Cities, counties, and states across the country are joining We Are Still In to demonstrate their commitment to combating climate change.

To date, 9 states and 239 cities and counties, as well as hundreds of American businesses and universities, have pledged to uphold the Paris Agreement and commit to a clean energy economy by joining the We Are Still In network.

Over 153 million Americans are represented by these pledged governments, and that number is growing every day.

By joining We Are Still In, you can not only help communities in your county prepare for climate impacts, but also reduce the emissions driving our climate crises.

Our partners from the Alameda County (California) Office of Sustainability have helped compile the tools necessary for counties to sign on to We Are Still In. To find templates for a press release, briefing notes, board letter, FAQ, and resolution, please click here.