Burien, WA's Climate Action Contribution
About Burien, WA's Climate Efforts
• Low impact development initiatives to minimize the amount of impervious surfaces in new development (Pol. EV 1.11)
• Encourage an increase in tree canopies through the addition and preservation of existing vegetation (Pol. EV 2.11)
• Prioritizing community pathways that connect public places through pedestrian or other non-motorized travel facilities (Pol. SC 1.1)
• Reduce the drive alone trips mode split for downtown Burien by 10% by 2030 (Pol. TR 1.2.3)
• Promote transit, bicycle and pedestrian travel (Pol. TR 8.1.1)
• Coordinate with the Puget Sound Regional Council Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Washington State Department of Transportation, transit agencies and other jurisdictions to develop transportation control measure and air quality programs when warranted (Pol. TR 8.1.3)
• Encourage private and public sector involvement in recycling programs and in the use of recycled products, primarily through an enhanced public education campaign (Pol. UT 4.1)
• The City should strive to achieve an overall waste diversion rate goal of 65% by the year 2024 (Pol. UT 4.2)
• The City should strive to achieve:
o A 95% recycling participation rate in the single family sector;
o A 75% recycling participation rate in the multifamily sector; and
o A 65% recycling participation rate in the commercial sector. (Pol. UT 4.3)
• The community and community groups should assist in both the creation and implementation of the City’s sustainability strategy (Pol. SU 2.1)
• The City should evaluate energy use and carbon emissions and develop targets for conservation (Pol. SU 3.1)
• Continue to partner with regional agencies and organizations such as the King County Cities Climate Collaboration, to monitor, establish baselines, and take actions to reduce impacts of climate change (Pol. SU 6.2, Ord. 630, 2015)
Climate Action Commitments
Current Climate Actions Burien, WA Is Taking:

Increase energy efficiency of local government operations, such as buildings, street lighting, and water or wastewater plants
Energy efficiency is the best way to save taxpayer money and cut climate pollution right now. The average building wastes about a third of the energy it uses. Consider implementing a strategic energy management plan for all major operations.

Set a goal for emissions reduction equal to or greater than the US goal under the Paris Climate Agreement (26-28% by 2025)
We all know the best way to measure, and actually achieve success, is to set a goal. Making that goal inline with or stronger than the U.S. nationally determined contribution under Paris signals that local governments are doing their part. Hundreds of cities and counties across the U.S. see an emissions reduction target of this level ambitious but doable.
New Climate Actions Burien, WA Commits To Take:

Work with energy utilities to increase renewable energy provided to residents and businesses
Going beyond the local government’s own operations to make renewable energy available to your community is a challenging, but critical step that means working with utilities, state government, and your residents. Clean, renewable bring with them better air, predictable, increasingly lower customer pricing, and local job deployment opportunities.

Increase rates of walking, cycling and public transit through means accessible to all residents
In many communities, the transportation sector is the largest share of their pollution and getting people to use alternative modes of transit to the personal vehicle comes with a myriad of benefits, not only cutting greenhouse gases.

Give all residents in my community, especially those underrepresented or of marginalized groups, a voice in setting policy and action plans
Plans, strategies, and their implementation should include the input and priorities of the community. Having your residents’ support and involvement will lead to better long term solutions. Simply holding an open public hearing is not sufficient for the inclusion of all residents. Many methods exist for successful community engagement.
Areas For Collaboration
We are interested in collaborating on the following:
Local Collaboration
- Collaborate on climate and clean energy action, and to advocate for stronger climate policy at the local level
Utility Sector
- Supporting states, cities, and utilities in decarbonizing their energy supply
Organization details
Since our incorporation in 1993, Burien has been busy defining and redesigning itself as a vibrant King County city. Our residents see Burien, a 100-year-old community with a rich heritage, as a friendly community with well-established neighborhoods and a small-town atmosphere.