National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation

This submission reflects this organization's contribution to the climate effort, representative of their current actions and commitments as well as the ways in which they intend to step up and collaborate with others.

National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation's Climate Action Contribution

About National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation's Climate Efforts

Nearly two-thirds of Americans talk about climate change only occasionally or not at all, resulting in a lack of civic action to address one of the most important issues of our time. NNOCCI believes that by activating the resources of widely trusted institutions such as aquariums, zoos, and other informal science learning centers, we can break through obstacles such as the perceived complexity of science and political polarization to create a space to have productive, fact-based climate change conversations. We have seen evidence that these conversations inspire visitors to informal science centers to drive community-level strategies to address climate change.

Areas For Collaboration

We are interested in collaborating on the following:

Local Collaboration
  • Collaborate on climate and clean energy action, and to advocate for stronger climate policy at the local level
Other collaborations
NNOCCI is interested in continuing to expand its engagement with informal science centers, and with climate/ocean scientists, as well as partnering with allied organizations and networks. Please contact for more information.

Organization details

NNOCCI is a network of individuals and organizations in informal education, the social sciences, and climate sciences. We are currently working in 170 institutions in 38 states. We share a commitment to using evidenced-based communications methods and providing the social and emotional support needed to engage as climate communicators. By working together we develop the knowledge, techniques, community and confidence needed to empower our audiences. And by speaking about climate change consistently across the country we are changing public discourse to be positive, productive and solutions-focused.

NNOCCI colleagues continue to experiment, evaluate and share successes from their work with each other. We learn about the latest findings in climate science and oceanography and how to apply these to our own interpretive contexts at our institutions. In addition we build trust and lasting bonds among colleagues across the country who share an interest in developing effective ways to engage audiences in learning about climate and ocean change.

Learn more about our impact in this short video:
Cultural Institution
Boston, MA